import { NgxSpinnerService } from 'ngx-spinner'; import { ActivatedRoute, Params, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { Location, formatDate } from '@angular/common'; import { UserService } from 'src/app/shared/user.service'; import { DashboardService } from 'src/app/shared/dashboard.service'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { AuthServiceService } from 'src/app/shared/auth-service.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-application-for-housing', templateUrl: './application-for-housing.component.html', styleUrls: ['./application-for-housing.component.css'] }) export class ApplicationForHousingComponent implements OnInit { departmentUserLoginId: any; userLoginId: any; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private http: HttpClient, private toastr: ToastrService, private dashBoardSer: DashboardService, private spiner: NgxSpinnerService, private location: Location, public authService: AuthServiceService, private userService: UserService, private router: Router ) { } subLocationList = []; checkSaveClick: boolean = false; bindingDateSplitStart; checked : boolean = false; pageId: number; uploaded: boolean = false; disabledVal: boolean = true; serviceId: number; userId: number = 0; search: any; reportVal:boolean = false; saveTherequist: boolean = false; whosend = ''; applyForOther : boolean = false; showdetails : boolean = false; applyForOtherSearch: boolean =false; showSearch: boolean = false; send: boolean = true; searchValue = null; applyForm = { employee_id: null, files:[] }; dataForm = { id_number: '', name : '', phoneNum: '', functional_number:'', email:'' }; files = [{ title : null, file: null, file_type: null, nameFile: null, }]; ngOnInit() { //init the values of permision boolean this.authService.showAddBtn = false; this.authService.showDeleteBtn = false; this.authService.showEditBtn = false; //show / hide notification search in header this.authService.notificationLogin = true; this.authService.showSearchHeader = false; this.authService.showHeaderLogin = false; this.authService.showHeaderDashBoard = true; this.authService.showDashboardHeader = true; this.authService.internalHeader = false; this.route.params.subscribe( (parmas: Params) => { this.pageId = +parmas['reportId']; localStorage.setItem('pageIdActive', parmas['reportId']); this.whosend = parmas['comefrom']; } ); this.route.parent.params.subscribe( (params:Params) => { this.serviceId = params['serviceID']; this.userId = params['userID']; } ); this.route.parent.params.subscribe( (params:Params) => { this.userLoginId = params['userID']; this.serviceId = params['serviceID']; }) if(this.whosend == 'new'){ this.http.get(this.authService.pathApi + '/profile').subscribe( res => { this.dataForm.id_number = res['user'].identity_number; = res['user'].name; this.dataForm.phoneNum = res['user'].phone; this.applyForm.employee_id = res['user'].id; console.log(this.applyForm.employee_id); this.dataForm.functional_number = res['user'].functional_number; = res['user'].email; console.log('dsf',res) this.showdetails = true; this.applyForOther = false; this.send = false; }, (error) => {console.log(error)}, ); }else{ this.showSearch = true; } if(this.whosend == 'new'){ this.http.get(this.authService.pathApi + '/get_employee_request_status/' + this.userId).subscribe( res => { console.log('ser' , res); const status = res['status'] if(status == 'employee already has an un finished request'){ this.router.navigate(['service/' + this.userLoginId + '/' + this.serviceId + '/' + 'viewRequestsForTenant/' + this.userLoginId]) this.toastr.warning('لديك طلب بالفعل '); }else if(status == "employee free to make new request"){ } }, err => { if(err.error.error == 'employee already has an un finished request'){ this.router.navigate(['service/' + this.userLoginId + '/' + this.serviceId + '/' + 'viewRequestsForTenant/' + this.userLoginId]) this.toastr.warning('لديك طلب بالفعل'); }else if(err.error.error == "employee free to make new request"){ } } ); } if(this.whosend == 'Ad547'){ this.applyForOtherSearch = true; } } plusImage() { this.files.push({ title: null, file: null, file_type: null, nameFile: null, }); console.log('files after plus ', this.files); } //delete row from table onDeleteRow(index:number) { this.files.splice(index , 1); console.log('files after delete ',this.files); } //change file onFileChanges(event, index:number) { console.log(event); console.log(index); this.uploaded = true; this.files[index].nameFile = event[0].name.substring(0,20) + '....'; this.files[index].file = event[0].base64; this.files[index].file_type = event[0].type.split('/')[1]; console.log(this.files); console.log('files after change ',this.files); } SearchOnUser(){ const key = this.searchValue console.log(key); console.log('here'); this.http.get(this.authService.pathApi + '/find_user/' + key ).subscribe( res => { console.log('user',res); if(res['user'] == null){ this.showdetails = false; }else{ this.dataForm.id_number = res['user'].identity_number; = res['user'].name; this.dataForm.phoneNum = res['user'].phone; this.applyForm.employee_id = res['user'].id; this.dataForm.functional_number = res['user'].functional_number; = res['user'].email; this.applyForOther = true; this.showdetails = true; this.http.get(this.authService.pathApi + '/get_employee_request_status/' + this.applyForm.employee_id).subscribe( res => { console.log('ser' , res); const status = res['status'] if(status == 'employee free to make new request'){ this.toastr.warning('لديه طلب بالفعل'); this.applyForOther = false; this.showdetails = false; } }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } }, err => { console.log(err); this.showdetails = false; } ); // } } onSubmitted(){ for (let i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { if(this.files[i].file_type){ this.files[i].file_type = this.files[i].file_type.toLowerCase(); } if(!this.files[i].file){ this.files.splice(i , 1); } else if(!this.files[i].title){ this.toastr.warning('ادخل عنوان الملف رقم ' + (i+1) ); return 0; } else { delete this.files[i].nameFile; this.applyForm.files.push(this.files[i]); } } console.log(this.applyForm); + '/add_housing_request' , this.applyForm ) .subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.toastr.success('تم حفظ الطلب '); // this.router.navigate(['/service/' + this.userId + '/' + this.serviceId + '/followCommunicationList/58']); this.location.back(); }, err => { console.log(err) this.toastr.error('حدث خطأ في الاتصال '); } ); } }