import { NgxSpinnerService } from 'ngx-spinner'; import { ActivatedRoute, Params, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { DashboardService } from './../../../shared/dashboard.service'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { UserService } from './../../../shared/user.service'; import { FormGroup, Validators, FormControl, NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { AuthServiceService } from '../../../shared/auth-service.service'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { Location, formatDate } from '@angular/common'; @Component({ selector: 'app-final-accerditation-add', templateUrl: './final-accerditation-add.component.html', styleUrls: ['./final-accerditation-add.component.css'] }) export class FinalAccerditationAddComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private userSer: UserService, private http: HttpClient, private toastr: ToastrService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private dashBoardSer: DashboardService, private router: Router, private spinner: NgxSpinnerService, private location: Location, public authSer: AuthServiceService) { } typeLink:string = ''; userId: number; checkSaveClick:boolean = false; //to make save button is disabled when click save disabledInput: boolean = false; //to make button dsabled in create mode reportId: number; stoppedShow: boolean = false; endedShow: boolean = false; userLoginId: number; serviceId: number; countries: any[] = []; identities: any[] = []; trainees:any[] = []; departments:any[] = []; departmentsId:any[] = []; attachments_ids: any[] =[]; @ViewChild('f') traineeForm: NgForm; //all form data formData = { trainee: '', type: '', specialization_name: '', specific_specialization: '', university: '', level: '', training_period: '', registration_number: '', authority_card_number: '', functional_number: '', contract_type: '', status: '', organization_affiliated_with: '', department: '', start_date: '', end_date: '' } //user data object userData = { name: '', email: '', nationality_id: '', identity_number: '', identity_type_id: '', birthday: '', gender: '', phone: '', } actionForm = { status: '', adminstration_notes: '', card_received: 0, id: null, } identity_id: number = 0; //to determine te number of identity to validation identity_type: number; typeMode:boolean = false; files = [{ title : '', file: '', file_type: '', nameFile: '', id: null, }]; ngOnInit() { //init the values of permision boolean this.authSer.showAddBtn = false; this.authSer.showDeleteBtn = false; this.authSer.showEditBtn = false; //show / hide notification search in header this.authSer.notificationLogin = true; this.authSer.showSearchHeader = false; this.authSer.showHeaderLogin = false; this.authSer.showHeaderDashBoard = true; this.authSer.showDashboardHeader = true; this.authSer.internalHeader = false; //catch params id from activated route this.route.params.subscribe( (params: Params) => { this.reportId = +params['finalAccerditationEdit']; } ); //catch parent params id from activated route this.route.parent.params.subscribe( (params:Params) => { this.userLoginId = +params['userID']; this.serviceId = +params['serviceID']; } ); //get nationality data this.userSer.getNationality().subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce); this.countries = responce['countries']; }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); //get identites this.userSer.onGetIdentities().subscribe( (responce) => { this.identities = responce['identities']; console.log('idddentiiiesssssssssss', this.identities); }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); //get trainee data this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi + '/get_trainees').subscribe( (responce) => { this.trainees = responce['users']; console.log(this.trainees); }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); //get departments this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi + '/training_adminstration_departments').subscribe( (responce) => { this.departments = responce['departments']; console.log(this.departments); }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); if(this.reportId) { = this.reportId; this.disabledInput = true;; this.typeMode = true; this.files = []; this.dashBoardSer.getItemData(this.reportId,'traineeRequest').subscribe( (responce) => { console.log('get request by id', responce); this.formData.trainee = responce['data']['user'].id; this.formData.type = responce['data']['request'].type; this.formData.status = responce['data']['request'].status; this.formData.specialization_name = responce['data']['request'].specialization_name; this.formData.specific_specialization = responce['data']['request'].specific_specialization; this.formData.level = responce['data']['request'].level; this.formData.contract_type = responce['data']['request'].contract_type; = responce['data']['request'].university; this.formData.authority_card_number = responce['data']['request'].authority_card_number; this.formData.training_period = responce['data']['request'].training_period; this.formData.functional_number = responce['data']['request'].functional_number; this.formData.organization_affiliated_with = responce['data']['request'].organization_affiliated_with; this.formData.registration_number = responce['data']['request'].registration_number; this.formData.start_date = responce['data']['request'].start_date; this.formData.end_date = responce['data']['request'].end_date; = responce['data']['user'].name; = responce['data']['user'].email; this.userData.identity_number = responce['data']['user'].identity_number; this.userData.identity_type_id = responce['data']['user'].identity_type_id; = responce['data']['user'].phone; this.userData.birthday = responce['data']['user'].birthday; this.userData.gender = responce['data']['user'].gender; this.userData.nationality_id = responce['data']['user'].nationality_id; this.userId = responce['data']['user'].id; this.userData['id'] = this.userId; for(let i = 0; i < responce['data']['request'].attachments.length; i++) { this.attachments_ids.push(responce['data']['request'].attachments[i].id); } console.log('attachemnts ids ', this.attachments_ids); for(let i = 0; i < responce['data']['request'].departments.length; i++) { if(responce['data']['request'].departments[i].is_confirmed == 1) { this.formData.department = responce['data']['request'].departments[i].department_id; } } if(responce['data']['request'].attachments.length > 0) { for(let i = 0; i < responce['data']['request'].attachments.length; i++) { this.files.push({ title: responce['data']['request'].attachments[i].title, file: '', nameFile: responce['data']['request'].attachments[i].file, file_type: '', id: responce['data']['request'].attachments[i].id, }) } } else { console.log('no attachements user add !'); } this.spinner.hide(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); } } recieveCard() { this.toastr.success('تم نسجيل الإستلام'); this.actionForm.card_received = 1 } printCard() { this.router.navigate(['service/' + this.userLoginId + '/' + this.serviceId + '/finalAccerditationReprot']); } //delete row of files onDeleteRow(rowIndex: number) { this.files.splice(rowIndex , 1); if(this.attachments_ids.length > 0) { this.attachments_ids.splice(rowIndex, 1); } console.log('files after delete ',this.files); console.log('attachements ids', this.attachments_ids); } //add attachements plusImage() { this.files.push({ title: '', file: '', file_type: '', nameFile: '', id: null, }); console.log('files after plus ', this.files); } //finalAccerditationReprot //on file change //change file onFileChanges(event, index:number) { console.log(event); console.log(index); this.files[index].nameFile = event[0].name.substring(0,20) + '....'; this.files[index].file = event[0].base64; this.files[index].file_type = event[0].type.split('/')[1]; //validate in pdf type file in edit mode if(this.files[index].file_type != '') { if(this.files[index].file_type != 'pdf') { this.toastr.warning('يجب أن تكون صيغه الملف pdf !'); this.checkSaveClick = true; } else { this.checkSaveClick = false; } } console.log(this.files); } changeDepartment(event) { console.log(; this.formData.department =; } changeType(event) { console.log(; this.formData.type =; } getSelectedOptionText(event) { this.userData.identity_type_id =; } onIdentitiyChange(event) { console.log(event); this.userData.identity_number = event; } //submitted form onSubmittedForm() { console.log(this.actionForm); //get the attchiements edit const editAttachements = []; for(let i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { for(let j = 0; j < this.attachments_ids.length; j++) { if(this.files[i].id == this.attachments_ids[j]) { editAttachements[i] = this.files[i]; } } }; //delete file & file type if not change it in old file for(let i = 0; i < editAttachements.length; i++) { if(editAttachements[i].file_type == '') { delete editAttachements[i].file; delete editAttachements[i].file_type; } }; //delete the extera key file name for(let i = 0; i < editAttachements.length; i++) { delete editAttachements[i].nameFile; }; //remove old file from files object for(let i = 0; i < editAttachements.length; i++) { for(let j = 0; j < this.files.length; j++) { if(editAttachements[i].id == this.files[j].id) { this.files.splice(j , 1); } } }; //remove nameFile and id from object for(let i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { delete this.files[i].nameFile; delete this.files[i].id; }; console.log('files after update ', this.files); console.log('edit files after update ', editAttachements); this.actionForm['attachments_ids'] = this.attachments_ids; this.actionForm['editable_attachments'] = editAttachements; this.actionForm['attachments'] = this.files; this.checkSaveClick = true; + '/final_accreditation_of_trainees', this.actionForm).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce), this.toastr.success('تم بنجاح'); this.checkSaveClick = false; this.location.back(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); this.checkSaveClick = false; this.toastr.error('يوجد خطأ ، حاول لاحقاَ'); this.location.back(); } ); } }