import { DashboardService } from './../../../shared/dashboard.service'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { UserService } from './../../../shared/user.service'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router, Params } from '@angular/router'; import { NgxSpinnerService } from 'ngx-spinner'; import { AuthServiceService } from './../../../shared/auth-service.service'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { Modal } from 'ngx-modialog/plugins/bootstrap'; @Component({ selector: 'app-registration-trainee-movement-list', templateUrl: './registration-trainee-movement-list.component.html', styleUrls: ['./registration-trainee-movement-list.component.css'] }) export class RegistrationTraineeMovementListComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private userSer: UserService, private http: HttpClient, private toastr: ToastrService, private modal: Modal, private dashBoardService: DashboardService, private spinner: NgxSpinnerService, private authSer: AuthServiceService) { } pageId: number; dataList = []; dataListIds = []; count: number; perPagePagenation: number; currentPage:number = 1; filtterStatus = ''; selectedAll: any; userLoginId:number; serviceId:number; dataTableNumber: number = 5; serviceName: string = ''; pages = []; ngOnInit() {; //init the values of permision boolean this.route.params.subscribe( (params: Params) => { this.pageId = params['registrationListId']; } ); //init the values of permision boolean this.authSer.showAddBtn = false; this.authSer.showDeleteBtn = false; this.authSer.showEditBtn = false; //show / hide notification search in header this.authSer.notificationLogin = true; this.authSer.showSearchHeader = false; this.authSer.showHeaderLogin = false; this.authSer.showHeaderDashBoard = true; this.authSer.showDashboardHeader = true; this.authSer.internalHeader = false; //to show / hide permissions this.route.parent.params.subscribe( (params:Params) => { this.userLoginId = params['userID']; this.serviceId = params['serviceID']; this.route.parent.params.subscribe( (params:Params) => { this.userLoginId = params['userID']; this.serviceId = params['serviceID']; this.userSer.getPagesPermetiotns(this.userLoginId, this.serviceId).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce); this.pages = responce['pages']; for(let i = 0; i< this.pages.length; i++) { if(this.pages[i].id == 38) { this.authSer.showAddBtn = true; this.authSer.showEditBtn = true; this.authSer.showDeleteBtn = true; } else { console.log('no events'); } } this.spinner.hide(); }, (error) => {console.log(error)} ); } ); //get list data this.dashBoardService.getListData(this.pageId, this.currentPage ,this.dataTableNumber).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log('rescponce dataaaa', responce); this.dataList = responce['requests']; if(this.dataList.length == 0) { this.toastr.warning('القائمه فارغه من الطلبات '); } this.count = responce['count']; this.perPagePagenation = responce['per_page']; console.log('evennnnts', this.dataList); this.spinner.hide(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); this.spinner.hide(); } ); } ); } //filtter function filtterFunc(data) { this.dataList = []; console.log(; const dataSearch =; this.currentPage = 1; this.dashBoardService.getDataUSerSearchBar(dataSearch, this.pageId, this.currentPage, this.dataTableNumber).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce); this.dataList = responce['requests']; this.count = responce['count']; this.perPagePagenation = responce['per_page']; console.log('filtter count', this.count); console.log('filtter perPagePAgenation', this.perPagePagenation); }, (error) => { console.log(error) } ); }; //change page onPageChange(pagenationNumber) {; this.currentPage = pagenationNumber; this.dataList = []; //console.log(pagenationNumber); //console.log(this.pageId); this.dashBoardService.getListData(this.pageId, pagenationNumber, this.dataTableNumber).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce); this.dataList = responce['requests']; this.count = responce['count']; this.perPagePagenation = responce['per_page']; console.log(this.dataList); this.spinner.hide(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); this.spinner.hide(); } ); } //determine the list count from select element onGetValue(event) {; this.dataList = []; this.dataTableNumber =; this.dashBoardService.getListData(this.pageId, this.currentPage, this.dataTableNumber).subscribe( (responce) => { console.log(responce); this.dataList = responce['requests']; this.count = responce['count']; this.perPagePagenation = responce['per_page']; this.spinner.hide(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); this.spinner.hide(); } ); }; //edit function onEdit(editPageID) { this.router.navigate(['service/' + this.userLoginId + '/' + this.serviceId + '/' + 'registrationTraineeList/edit/' + editPageID]); } }