import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { NgxSpinnerService } from 'ngx-spinner'; import { ActivatedRoute, Params } from '@angular/router'; import { Location } from '@angular/common'; import { AuthServiceService } from './../../../shared/auth-service.service'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { DashboardService } from './../../../shared/dashboard.service'; import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'app-link-unit-to-covenants-add', templateUrl: './link-unit-to-covenants-add.component.html', styleUrls: ['./link-unit-to-covenants-add.component.css'] }) export class LinkUnitToCovenantsAddComponent implements OnInit { typePage: string = ''; isComplex = false; isBuildingType = false; show_amount = false; isBuilding = false; amount = []; complex_list =[]; building_types=[]; buildings = []; valueType: string = ''; checkSaveclick:boolean = false; check : boolean = false; isEdit: boolean = false; isConvenat = false; editPageId: number; units =[]; covenant_categories = []; covenants = []; final = [] ; over : boolean = false; unitId = ''; constructor( private dashBoardSer: DashboardService, private toastr: ToastrService, public authSer: AuthServiceService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private spinner: NgxSpinnerService, private location: Location, private http: HttpClient ) { } @ViewChild('f') linkForm : NgForm; @ViewChild('amountVal') amountVal: ElementRef; formData = { housing_complex_id:'', building_type_id:'', building_id: '', unit_id:'', covenants:[], } categoryId:number; ngOnInit() { this.route.params.subscribe( (params: Params) => { this.editPageId = +params['listPageEditId']; } ); this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi + '/housing_complexes_list').subscribe( res => { this.complex_list = res[('housing_complexes')]; } ); this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi+ '/get_covenant_categories_list').subscribe( res=>{ this.covenant_categories = res['covenant_categories']; console.log(this.covenant_categories); this.covenant_categories.forEach(conv => { conv.covenants.forEach(con => { con.covenant_amount = 0; }) this.formData.covenants.push({ category_id:, covenants_data: conv.covenants }) }); console.log(this.formData); }, err =>{ console.log(err); } ) if (this.editPageId) {; this.isEdit = true; this.show_amount = true; // this.showTypes = true; this.typePage = 'تعديل'; this.dashBoardSer.getItemData(this.editPageId, 'linkUnitToCovenants' ).subscribe( res => { console.log('ssss', res); this.formData.housing_complex_id = res['unit'].housing_complex_id; this.getBuildingType( this.formData.housing_complex_id); this.formData.building_type_id = res['unit'].building_type_id; this.unitId = res['unit'].id; this.getBuilding(this.formData.building_type_id); this.formData.building_id = res['unit'].building_id; this.covenant(this.formData.covenants[0].category_id); this.covenants = res['unit'].covenants; console.log('conv form',this.formData.covenants); console.log('conv', this.covenants); for (let i = 0 , n = this.formData.covenants.length; i < n; i++) { const arr= this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data; for (let ii = 0, k = arr.length; ii < k; ii++) { for (let j = 0 , m = this.covenants.length; j < m; j++) { if(arr[ii].id == this.covenants[j].covenant_id){ arr[ii].selected = true; arr[ii].covenant_amount = this.covenants[j].covenant_amount; } } } } this.spinner.hide(); }, err => { console.log(err); } ); }else { this.typePage = 'اضافة'; } } getBuildingType(event){ this.building_types = [] console.log('sdsdsd',event); const id = event; this.isComplex = false; this.isBuildingType = false; this.show_amount = false; this.isBuilding = false; console.log(id); this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi+ '/building_types_list/' + id ).subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.building_types = res[('building_types')]; if(this.building_types.length > 0) this.isComplex = true; else { this.isComplex = false; this.isBuildingType = false; this.isBuilding = false; this.toastr.warning('لا يوجد انواع مباني لهذا المجمع') } }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } getBuilding(event){ this.buildings = [] this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi + '/buildings_list_by_type_id/' + event ).subscribe( res => { console.log('res',res); this.buildings = res['buildings']; if(this.buildings.length > 0){ this.isBuildingType = true; console.log(this.buildings); if(this.editPageId) { this.getUnit(this.formData.building_id ); } }else{ this.isBuildingType = false; this.isBuilding = false; this.isConvenat = false; this.toastr.warning('لا يوجد بيانات لهذا النوع من المباني') } }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } getUnit(event){ console.log('unit id >>' , this.unitId); this.units = [] this.http.get(this.authSer.pathApi + '/units_list_by_building_id/' + event ).subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.units = res['units']; if(this.units.length > 0){ this.isBuilding = true; console.log(this.units); }else{ this.isBuilding = false; this.isConvenat = false; this.toastr.warning('لا يوجد وحدات لهذا المبنى ') } }, err => { console.log(err); } ); this.formData.unit_id = this.unitId; console.log('dffd',this.formData.unit_id); if (this.editPageId) { this.showcovenant_categories() } } covenant(event){ const id = event; console.log(id); this.categoryId = id; console.log(this.formData.covenants); } check_max(value, max, name){ console.log( 'ss',value, max, name); if(value > max){ this.toastr.warning('عفوا لقد تجاوزت العدد المحدد لـ'+name) } } showcovenant_categories(){ this.isConvenat = true; } checked(event){ console.log(event); for(let i = 0, m = this.formData.covenants.length; i < m ; i++) { //final finalCov array to add categories in covenants for(let j = 0 , n = this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data.length; j < n; j++) { if(event == this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].id ){ // this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].covenant_amount = 1 if(this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].selected == false){ this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].covenant_amount = 0 }else{ this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].covenant_amount = 1 } } } }; } onSubmitted(){ //final array to add covenants const finalCov = []; for(let i = 0; i < this.formData.covenants.length; i++) { //final finalCov array to add categories in covenants for(let j = 0; j < this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data.length; j++) { if(this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].selected != undefined && this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].selected == true) { const realamount = this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].covenant_amount; const available_amount = this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].available_amount; if (realamount > available_amount){ this.over = true; return 0; } finalCov.push({ covenant_id:this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].id, covenant_amount: this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].covenant_amount, category_id: this.formData.covenants[i].covenants_data[j].category_id }) } } }; = this.formData.covenants this.formData.covenants = finalCov; console.log(finalCov.length); if(finalCov.length == 0){ this.toastr.warning('من فضلك قم بأختيار عهدة!!'); this.formData.covenants =; = []; return 0; } console.log(this.formData); if(this.editPageId) { this.dashBoardSer.editItem(this.editPageId, this.formData, 'linkUnitToCovenants').subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.toastr.success('تم التعديل بنجاح'); this.location.back(); }, err => { this.formData.covenants =; = []; console.log(err); this.toastr.error('خطأ في الخادم ، رجاء المحارله لاحقا'); } ) } else { this.dashBoardSer.addItem( this.formData , 'linkUnitToCovenants').subscribe( res => { console.log('ADD',res); this.toastr.success('تم الإضافه بنجاح'); this.checkSaveclick = false; this.location.back(); }, err => { this.formData.covenants =; = []; console.log(err); this.checkSaveclick = false; this.toastr.error('خطأ في الخادم ، حاول لاحقا'); } ); } } }