@@ -165,87 +165,67 @@ namespace MTWorkHR.Application.Services
public virtual async Task<PagingResultDto<UserAllDto>> GetAll(UserPagingInputDto PagingInputDto)
var query = _userManager.Users
- .Include(u => u.Qualification).Include(u => u.JobTitle).Include(u => u.University).Include(u => u.Industry).Include(u => u.Country)
- .Where(e => _globalInfo.CompanyId == null || e.CompanyId != _globalInfo.CompanyId)
- .AsQueryable();
- var filter = PagingInputDto.Filter;
- query = query.Where(u =>
- u.UserName.Contains(filter) ||
- u.Email.Contains(filter) ||
- u.FavoriteName.Contains(filter) ||
- u.Position.Contains(filter) ||
- u.PhoneNumber.Contains(filter));
- // Check if the filter contains a space (indicating a full name)
- if (filter.Contains(" "))
- {
- var fullName = filter.Split(" ");
- var firstNameFilter = fullName[0];
- var lastNameFilter = fullName.Length > 1 ? fullName[1] : "";
+ .Include(u => u.Qualification)
+ .Include(u => u.JobTitle)
+ .Include(u => u.University)
+ .Include(u => u.Industry)
+ .Include(u => u.Country)
+ .Where(u => _globalInfo.CompanyId == null || u.CompanyId != _globalInfo.CompanyId);
- query = query.Where(u =>
- (u.FirstName.Contains(firstNameFilter) &&
- (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameFilter) || u.LastName.Contains(lastNameFilter))) ||
- (u.LastName.Contains(lastNameFilter) &&
- (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameFilter) || u.FirstName.Contains(firstNameFilter))));
- }
- else
+ var filter = PagingInputDto.Filter?.Trim();
+ // Filtering by text fields and handling full name search
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
- // If there's no space, apply the filter for individual names
+ var filters = filter.Split(" ");
+ var firstNameFilter = filters[0];
+ var lastNameFilter = filters.Length > 1 ? filters[1] : "";
query = query.Where(u =>
- u.FirstName.Contains(filter) ||
- u.LastName.Contains(filter));
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.IndustryId != null && PagingInputDto.IndustryId.Count > 0)
- {
- query = query.Where(u => u.IndustryId.HasValue && PagingInputDto.IndustryId.Contains( u.IndustryId.Value ));
+ u.UserName.Contains(filter) || u.Email.Contains(filter) || u.FavoriteName.Contains(filter) ||
+ u.Position.Contains(filter) || u.PhoneNumber.Contains(filter) ||
+ u.FirstName.Contains(firstNameFilter) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameFilter) || u.LastName.Contains(lastNameFilter)) ||
+ u.LastName.Contains(lastNameFilter) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameFilter) || u.FirstName.Contains(firstNameFilter))
+ );
- if (PagingInputDto.QualificationId != null)
- {
+ // Applying additional filters
+ if (PagingInputDto.IndustryId?.Count > 0)
+ query = query.Where(u => u.IndustryId.HasValue && PagingInputDto.IndustryId.Contains(u.IndustryId.Value));
+ if (PagingInputDto.QualificationId.HasValue)
query = query.Where(u => u.QualificationId == PagingInputDto.QualificationId);
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.JobTitleId != null)
- {
+ if (PagingInputDto.JobTitleId.HasValue)
query = query.Where(u => u.JobTitleId == PagingInputDto.JobTitleId);
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.UniversityId != null)
- {
+ if (PagingInputDto.UniversityId.HasValue)
query = query.Where(u => u.UniversityId == PagingInputDto.UniversityId);
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.CountryId != null && PagingInputDto.CountryId.Count > 0)
- {
- //List<long> CountryList = PagingInputDto.CountryId.Split(",").Select(long.Parse).ToList();
+ if (PagingInputDto.CountryId?.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(u => u.CountryId.HasValue && PagingInputDto.CountryId.Contains(u.CountryId.Value));
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.UserTypeId != null && PagingInputDto.UserTypeId.Count > 0)
- {
+ if (PagingInputDto.UserTypeId?.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(u => PagingInputDto.UserTypeId.Contains(u.UserType));
- }
- if (PagingInputDto.Employed != null)
- {
- if(PagingInputDto.Employed == true)
- query = query.Where(u => u.CompanyId != null);
- else
- query = query.Where(u => u.CompanyId == null);
- }
- var order = query.OrderBy(PagingInputDto.OrderByField + " " + PagingInputDto.OrderType);
+ if (PagingInputDto.Employed.HasValue)
+ query = query.Where(u => PagingInputDto.Employed.Value ? u.CompanyId != null : u.CompanyId == null);
- var page = order.Skip((PagingInputDto.PageNumber * PagingInputDto.PageSize) - PagingInputDto.PageSize).Take(PagingInputDto.PageSize);
+ // Ordering by specified field and direction
+ var orderByField = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PagingInputDto.OrderByField) ? PagingInputDto.OrderByField : "UserName";
+ var orderByDirection = PagingInputDto.OrderType?.ToLower() == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc";
+ query = query.OrderBy($"{orderByField} {orderByDirection}");
+ // Pagination
var total = await query.CountAsync();
+ var result = await query
+ .Skip((PagingInputDto.PageNumber - 1) * PagingInputDto.PageSize)
+ .Take(PagingInputDto.PageSize)
+ .ToListAsync();
- var list = MapperObject.Mapper
- .Map<IList<UserAllDto>>(await page.ToListAsync());
+ var list = MapperObject.Mapper.Map<IList<UserAllDto>>(result);
- var response = new PagingResultDto<UserAllDto>
- {
- Result = list,
- Total = total
- };
- return response;
+ return new PagingResultDto<UserAllDto> { Result = list, Total = total };
public async Task<List<UserDto>> GetAllEmployees()