using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MTWorkHR.Core.Global { public static class AppExceptions { public static IDictionary ExceptionMessages = new Dictionary() { {1, "Record Not Existed"}, {2, "Model is not valid"}, {3, "Not Authorized" }, {4, "A property called {0} can't be accessed for type {1}." }, {5, "Username or password incorrect!"}, {6, "Cannot delete the user" }, {7, "Record is already existed!" }, {8, "Record creation failed! Please check the record details and try again." }, {9, "Record update failed! Please check the record details and try again." }, {10, "Record delete failed!" }, {11, "Record name already existed" }, {12, "Record email already existed" }, {13, "Tenancy name already existed" }, {14, "Tenant expected!" }, {15, "Tenant cannot be zero!" }, {16, "Attachments Required" }, {14, "Could Not Move Files" }, {15, "Mapper Issue" }, {16, "InCorrect File Length" }, {17, "Wrong or expired OTP" }, {18, "Empty Response" }, {19, "Error Sending SMS" }, {20, "Invalid Captcha" }, {21, "Account Locked" }, {22, "Invalid File Type" }, {23, "No Vacation Balance" }, {24, "Email Not Exist" }, {25, "Phone Already Exist" }, {26, "User Not Exist" }, {26, "User already checked in" }, }; } }